Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fair and Balanced News: The WSJ !?!

Who would believe that the conservative editors of the Wall Street Journal would offer some of the most balanced news coverage versus all of the other corporate Main Stream Media (MSM)?

I've seen it happen many times before in this paper, but it never ceases to amaze me. It's hard for a Liberal to accept that any MSM has editorial integrity. But it is often true of the Journal. Of course, Nixon went to China.

At any rate, the story that prompted this comment was printed in the October 18, 2005 edition, in which Rupert Murdock was referred to as a "dictator". The article clearly showed how he and his News Corporation Empire would dispense whatever propaganda requested, in return for profit. He was very blatant about it with the Chinese. They seem to respect him for it.

If you’ve ever wondered how and why the lie of Iraq was sold to the American People, this story explains it very well. Just exchange the name Ding Guabgen with Karl Rove and you have the whole picture.