Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Democrats and the New Reality

Clearly Democrats must change their mode of operation, but not by moving to the Right. Again and again it can be seen that the Public is impressed with apparent conviction and consistency. American's don't necessarily need to agree with you, but you'd better be firm, direct and expressive in your positions. Kerry didn't lose Conservative Christians because of Abortion or Gay Marriage; he lost them because they didn't see a strong candidate with strong convictions. Had he simply been blunt and firmly expressed an unwavering belief in secular government (and to Hell what they thought) they would have loved him and voted for him. A majority of Americans didn’t agree with Reagan’s policies, but they voted for him. Every indicator shows that most people disagree with Bush on many issues, but they voted for him. Why? Because he stubbornly holds his core message. They like him because he believes in himself. The Democrats need to move Left, be Liberal, be proud, clarify their message and NEVER back down. Then they will begin to win elections.